Students at a club or organization

Student Clubs & Organizations


Advocacy & Service

  • Barbara Bunch

    • The Barbara Bunch pairs UD students with children from the local Barbara Cardwell High School for one-on-one mentoring once a week. There's no need to teach academic materials; these kids need someone to talk to and look up to. Contact Madi Meduna ( for more info! 
  • Crusaders for Life

    • CFL members are pro-life student leaders who believe that human life begins at conception and that God creates each human with an inalienable right to life. We strive to educate ourselves and our community, advocate for life through peaceful protest and political and social activism, and support like-minded organizations. If you want to join or learn more about us, please contact our president, Martha Depew (
  • The Dallas Refugee Project

    • The Dallas Refugee Project is a student-run 501(c)3 non-profit focused on serving Dallas refugees with empathy, understanding, and respect. Currently, the DRP focuses on its tutoring program, designed by college students for middle and high school refugee students in Dallas. Through a partnership with the International Rescue Committee (one of the 9 State-Department-approved resettlement agencies), the Dallas Refugee Project has a classroom in North Dallas! Email Natasha Gouge at for more details and information on how to join!

  • Future Army Officers' Association

    • The purpose of the Future Army Officers’ Association is to foster a sincere appreciation for Army leadership values by hosting events that promote patriotism and that encourage UD students to serve the United States in some capacity. For more information, contact Asher Ralphs at
  • Groundhog Library

    • The Groundhog Library collects textbooks and Core books by donation to supply them to students who cannot purchase books. The Groundhog Library accepts donations anytime and is open year-round at its location in the Braniff Library. Contact Jacob Rombs for more information at
  • Hippocratic Forum

    • The Hippocratic Forum aims at equipping students who aspire to work in the medical profession with ideals and principles that will make them good physicians. To join, please contact Ricardo Avila Sanchez at
  • Humanality Project

    • UD Humanality is a club focused on fostering authentic human connection by helping students achieve right-relationship with technology. Students attend our monthly educational discussions and engage in community-centered events to receive the support necessary for overcoming the negative effects of digital tech usage. These experiences magnify their appreciation of the beauty of creation–both in the natural world and in one another. Reach out to for more information.
  • Mission Youth

    • Mission Youth inculcates an authentic Catholic missionary spirit among the student body through monthly charity and evangelization missions to the homeless people of the greater Dallas area and small group formation activities in preparation for the same. For more information, please contact Sharbel Habchy (
  • Rotaract

    • Rotaract is a coalition of service-oriented, young professionals devoted to improving our community and developing leadership skills through student-led service projects. If you are interested in joining, please email
  • Student Leaders for Racial Solidarity

    • Student Leaders for Racial Solidarity is a student-led organization devoted to advocating for the love of one another and the conversion of the heart. Students are encouraged to join because it's a great way to meet other students on campus and celebrate with each other. To join, please contact president Irulan Palma at or and follow us on Instagram @slrs_ud.
  • Xenia Society

    • The Xenia Society is an umbrella organization designed to cultivate the UD women’s community. Inspired by the Greek virtue of Xenia (guest-friendship), our goal is to create an environment of open-mindedness and open-heartedness in the lives of women on UD’s campus. By providing monthly educational lectures, monthly social gatherings, and various student-led affinity groups (workout groups, book clubs, etc.), we give the women of UD an opportunity to reach out, connect with those they had not known previously, grow deeper in friendship with those they already know, and learn more about how to become the best version of themselves—both for their own sake and the sake of those around them. All women of UD are welcome! To join the email list, ask questions, or learn more, please contact Felice Lagarde (
  • Young Americans for Freedom

    • Young Americans for Freedom is committed to ensuring that increasing numbers of young Americans understand and are inspired by the ideas of individual freedom, a strong national defense, free enterprise, and traditional values. We accomplish our mission by providing essential conferences, seminars, speakers, educational materials, and internships to young people across
the country. With over 60 years of experience, YAF is the leading organization for young conservatives. To join UD’s chapter, contact Liam Ritter at
  • Young Conservatives of Texas

    • Young Conservatives of Texas (YCT) is a non-partisan student organization that has advocated for conservative social and fiscal policies in Texas and beyond for more than 40 years. On campus, our YCT chapter promotes civil discourse by hosting lectures and debates  on public policy, political philosophy, and the intersection of Faith and public life.

Creative Arts & Humanities

  • Alexander Hamilton Society

    • We bring distinguished foreign policy scholars and practitioners to campus for discussions and debates on the most pressing issues of the day and host a bi-weekly book club where we discuss important works related to foreign policy. To get involved, contact Kira Freid at or email us at
  • The Anscombe Society

    • The Anscombe Society, named after the Catholic philosopher Elizabeth Anscombe, is a chapter of the Love & Fidelity Network and discusses the beauty and purpose of human sexuality, marriage, and the family. Our mission is to help enrich campus conversations on these matters by providing an alternative voice in support of chastity and the sexual norms surrounding it, marriage as the lifelong union of one man and one woman, and the unique role of the stable, intact family in society. We aim to foster civil and sincere discussions and contribute to our peer's intellectual and personal development. Contact Gianna Reding ( for more info.
  • Art Village Association

    • UDAVA combines the love, appreciation, and study of studio art and history in gallery events, demonstrations, discussions, sales, and hands-on activities for students of all art levels and interests. You do not have to be a student in the Art Department to be a member; just bring your enthusiasm! To join, contact Simone Meinerz at
  • Classics Club

    • Classics Club is for all students interested in classical languages and the ancient world. Join us for discussions and activities related to classical history and language! For more information, please contact John Dougherty (
  • Philosophy Club

    • The Philosophy Club meets bi-monthly to hear lectures from UD and visiting professors and generate discussions among students about topics ranging from attention to the history of philosophy to how philosophy can shape your daily life. Contact Francesca Keating at for more information.
  • Sigma Tau Delta

    • Sigma Tau Delta is an international English Honors Society dedicated to fostering literacy and all aspects of the English language within colleges and universities. The Alpha Sigma Pi chapter at UD is especially committed to cultivating a strong love for English literature on campus through poetry readings and literary events. To get involved, contact Larisa Tuttle (
  • The Thomistic Institute

    • Thomistic Institute chapters are formed and run by students to bring top-notch Christian intellectuals to their universities to make the Catholic intellectual tradition vibrantly present on contemporary campuses. Join us for monthly discussion nights led by your favorite UD faculty and lectures by official TI speakers! Contact or Larisa Tuttle at to get involved! 
  • Thomas More Pre-Law Society

    • Students learn more about becoming attorneys through monthly events, networking, and LSAT practice under the intercession of St. Thomas More. For more information, please contact Kira Freid at
  • Tocqueville Society

    • The Tocqueville Society is the University of Dallas' chapter of the Intercollegiate Studies Institute (ISI). This club serves as a community of like-minded students who love to talk about topics ranging from history and politics to philosophy and theology. We also host Symposiums and faculty and student debates. Please contact Grace Kurkowski at if you are interested in joining. 
  • Writer's Guild

    • Do you want to share a novel, short story, or poem? Maybe not yet, but you'd like to try? Join UD's Writers Guild to unlock your muse with other amateur writers! Contact Club President Cecilia Andrews ( for more info. Write on! 


  • Asian Student Association

    • This club is a safe space for Asian students and an organization to teach others about the many different cultures in Asia. Of course, you don't have to be Asian to be part of the club. Contact Theo Nguyen ( to join! 
  • French Club

    • The French Club seeks to increase awareness of and appreciation for the French Language and Culture on campus and to aid students seeking to learn or master the French Language. If you are interested or want more information, please contact Kathleen George (
  • German Club

    • Guten Tag! The German Club celebrates the German language and culture. The club hosts discussion practices, poetry readings, bread-making, and more! German students and non-German students alike are welcome. Join us in appreciating and learning about German tradition! Please contact Monica Davis ( for more information and to join.
  • Italian Club

    • Come join other students of Italian for conversation hours, off-campus trips, and events related to the culture, history, art, and language of Italy! Please contact Clare Boguski at for more info.
  • Spanish Club

    • The Spanish Club offers various events to celebrate the beauty and variety of Spanish and Latin American culture and the Spanish language. We recognize the diversity of students at UD and invite the community to share traditions, holidays, music, and more! We also aim to provide exposure to the vibrant Spanish/Latin American cultural events the DFW area offers. Please consider joining our club by emailing Saraih Mendoza at All are welcome! 


  • Co-Workers of the Vineyard

    • Co-Workers in the Vineyard is a Faith-based club that seeks to foster authentic spiritual conversations on campus through discussions and sharing personal testimonies to help prepare students to live their Catholic Faith in the world outside of UD. Co-Wo also seeks to build the Body of Christ in DFW by attending Catholic young adult events throughout the Metroplex. Contact Veronica Sullivan ( for more information.
  • Rosary Club

    • Rosary Club meets every Sunday afternoon to make tie-knot rosaries in good company with tea and snacks. Contact JD Self at to join.
  • Society of St. Joseph

    • The Society of St. Joseph seeks to foster true Christian values within its ranks, a sincere devotion to St. Joseph and his example of manhood and fatherhood, and the practice of the Cardinal Virtues through a system of brotherly accountability and friendship. For more information or to join, please contact Matthew Reynolds (

Hobbies & Special Interests

  • Bridge Club

    • Bridge Club teaches students the game of contract bridge and hosts weekly meetings for social games. No experience is necessary. Contact John Dougherty at for more information.
  • Cinema Connoisseurs Club

    • Join the Cinema Connoisseurs for movie nights! We cultivate a community that promotes deep discussions, contemplations, and pure enjoyment of films as an art form. Share your movie suggestions and expect to experience some great cinema, snacks, and conversation! Contact Peter Prudlo at
  • Dungeons and Dragons

Life & Physical Sciences, Mathematics

  • Accounting and Finance Society

    • AFS promotes fellowship among Accounting and Finance majors within the University of Dallas’ Satish & Yasmin Gupta College of Business. In addition, the AFS recognizes current students and alumni who have made noteworthy contributions to the accounting and finance fields, builds relationships between student members and local employers with the goal of assisting in job placement, and provides mentoring towards certification. For more information, contact Annie Bui at
  • American Society for Microbiology

    • ASM is an organization of students who share similar interests in exploring microbiology. ASM hosts various events to help its members pursue careers in biological sciences. If interested, please contact Anna Karki ( 
  • Association of Computing Machinery

    • ACM hosts activities related to computer science, such as the Programming Team, Hackathons, tutorials, tech speakers, and more. ACM is also open to hosting other computer science activities like web and game development. Contact Tanish Garg ( or to join.
  • Beta Beta Beta 

    • Tri-Beta (Beta Beta Beta) is a nationally recognized honor society for students, particularly undergraduates, dedicated to enhancing their understanding and appreciation for the study of biology/biochemistry by expanding the boundaries of human knowledge through scientific research. We have fun social events, guest speakers, discussion panels, and community service events. Contact Farah Atatrah at to get involved. 
  • Economics Club

    • The purpose of the Economics Club is to promote student involvement and engagement with department activities, current events, and regional conferences. Contact Kimberly Burch at to join.
  • Math Club

    • Math Club is a group of people who find math interesting and want to share its joys with others. We have weekly meetings to discuss your favorite formulas, solutions, sequences, and more. Even if you don't like math, we can make it fun! Contact Catherine Collard at to join!
  • Pre-Health Society

    • The Pre-Health Society meets frequently to assist students with various medical school applications, connect current students with alum medical professionals, and host community activities. Contact Allison Nguyen for more information at
  • Student Members of the American Chemical Society (SMACS)

    • If you're a science major interested in chemistry and like free pizza, SMACS is the perfect club. We host social and educational events to learn about careers in science, getting research opportunities, and more. If interested, please email Claire Wingfield ( to be added to the email list.
  • Society of Physics Students

    • Society of Physics Students (SPS) is a nationwide organization that seeks to unite students interested in physics, regardless of their major, into a single, well-connected community. It also fosters connections between physics students and students of other sciences and the humanities. For more information, contact Bridget Hughes at
  • Women in STEM

    • Women in STEM is a society for women in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math who enjoy conversations, cookies, and coffee. We invite female speakers from various STEM fields to teach us more about their careers, and we focus on support through community and conversation. To join, contact Claire Reed at

Sports & Recreation

  • Blue Crew

    • UD school spirit comes from the roars of Blue Crew chants. We attend all games, cheering on our classmates as they contend for glory. Contact Peter Key ( to join.
  • Fencing Club

    • The Fencing Club studies and practices both ancient and modern techniques of fencing and sword fighting. Reach out to Justin Anders ( to learn more.
  • Irish Dance

    • Come to the Irish Dance Club. Whether you’re a seasoned stepper or don’t have any Irish blood, we’d love to have you. Learn group dances for our performances or just come for a weekly workout. Email Fiona Delaney ( for more information.
  • Martial Arts Club

    • The Martial Arts Club makes martial arts more accessible to the general student body. We practice various arts, including Taekwondo, boxing, Jiu-Jitsu, and wrestling. Our goal is to work hard and learn a bit about the various philosophies of each art. Contact John Edwards ( to join!
  • Rugby

    • Rugby is a popular club sport for men at UD. We meet frequently for practices, scrimmages, and games. Men can join the rugby team by tryout and should contact Dominic Kelly at if interested. 
  • Spikeball

    • Spikeball Club meets frequently to learn the techniques and game of Spikeball. All materials are provided for students, and all skill levels are welcome. Contact Peter Key ( to join.
  • Swing Club

    • Join UD Swing every Wednesday from 8:00-10:30pm for great music, swing lessons, social dancing, and the opportunity to meet new people! Regardless of the dancing experience, all are welcome. Contact Mary Anne Panganiban ( or Aine O'Brien ( if you have any questions. 
  • Venture Crew

    • Venture Crew brings together students who enjoy the great outdoors, meeting new people, and exploring the wilderness. To join, contact Siyu Yang at
  • UD Ultimate

    • The Ultimate Frisbee team is a co-ed club sport that meets twice weekly for practice and scrimmages. Students of all skill levels are welcome and encouraged to join anytime! Contact Bridget Hughes for more information at